Meet Simone

Modern Mystic

When you learn how to see with your eyes closed,
then you will know how to dream with your eyes open.

Hi. I'm Simone ...

I’m an artist, author and award winning entrepreneur … dedicated to helping YOU unlock your Intuitive and Entrepreneurial gifts and apply them to your life in Powerful yet Practical ways … all in a fluff free zone!

Welcome to my world, where the board room, the art studio and the world of mind and creative consciousness meet to create a unique blend of unmatched entrepreneurial insight and intuitive guidance. I’ve walked a path that’s taken me from some pretty gritty situations to the dynamic world of business and fine art (and pretty much everything in between) and now I’m here to help you unlock your own dynamic and limitless intuitive potential.

My Journey as an Entrepreneur

My journey as an entrepreneur began long before I even knew what entrepreneurship was. Raised by a single mother who taught me early how to be self sufficient and resourceful, my first step into entrepreneurship happened at the age of 9, when I started selling my hand crafted, art creations by going door to door in my Canadian neighborhood.

My entrepreneurial journey has expanded alot since then. My neighborhood now, is global, with fine art collectors, business and coaching clients from all over the world. But I still approach my connection with them, whether they’re the CEO of a billion dollar company, or a brand new entrepreneur, the same way I did when I was showing up at someone’s door.

My Intuitive Work with Law Enforcement

In addition to being self motivated and creative – I also had a powerful Intuitive skill as a child. As I grew older, I was able to take that skill set into working with law enforcement where I used my Intuition to assist with missing children situations and complex cold cases. It was here, in the high-stakes world of law that I was inspired to reverse engineer the Intuition process, so it could be understood and used in practical and powerful ways, when things could be ‘life or death.’

I gained some major street cred with the cops I worked with. They appreciated and benefited from my fluff free, grounded and field tested approach … but I wasn’t cut out to be a crime fighter. My wheel house has always been entrepreneurship … and so I took the program I developed for law enforcement, turned it into what I now call First Intelligence, and started sharing it with the world.


Teaching Entrepreneurs to Tap into Dynamic Intuition

Now, I’m on a mission to share my insights and help entrepreneurs like you harness the power of dynamic intuition. Intuition is a superpower we ALL possess, but because it is so deeply misunderstood and perceived as ‘hit or miss’, emotional or woo-woo, it is often dismissed as having no value. But I know personally and I’ve witnessed firsthand for countless people how tapping into this inner wisdom can bring clarity, focus, and creativity to your entrepreneurial journey.

My coaching approach combines the practical understanding I’ve earned as a lifelong entrepreneur, with the intuitive street cred I’ve built in law enforcement.

Together, we’ll work to:

  • Shape Clarity: Cut through the noise and uncertainties that often cloud the path of entrepreneurship. I’ll guide you to trust your intuitive intelligence, make informed decisions, and set a clear vision for your business in a way that makes sense to YOU … and doesn’t follow some cookie cutter formula
  • Refine Focus: Channel your energy and resources into what truly matters. We’ll shape strong and clear toargets that get your Intuition working online in a way that is ELEGANT, EFFICIENT and EXPANSIVE. 
  • Amplify Creativity: Ignite your creative spark to think outside the box. Intuition doesn’t have a box. Your Intuition helps you discover creative ideas that help you SET the trend in business, instead of following them. 

So, whether you’re a new, established, or emerging entrepreneur, my goal is to empower you to build YOUR business YOUR way. Together, we’ll unlock your dynamic intuition, turning it into a trusted compass on your entrepreneurial journey.

I’ve always liked things simple, elegant, beautiful and DO-ABLE … Intuition has helped me do that in my life. I know it will help you do it in yours as well.

Simone is a spot on Mystical Rock Star. She amazes me with her clarity and profound direction.
Dr. Mickra Hamilton, AuD, CEO ~Aeperion Center



I’ve written for The Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, Mother Magazine and others; my book, First Intelligence: Using the Science and Spirit of Intuition has been read by thousands of people globally and my artwork has been featured in luxury magazines and galleries around the world. I’ve appeared on countless radio, television and online programs and been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Award winning entrepreneur. Globally collected artist. Author and Internationally respected Intuition authority. 15,000 + hours of teaching, coaching, speaking and service.

From developing a ground breaking Intuition training program, to creating beautiful artwork for collectors world wide, and partnering with NASA and the Hubble Science team, I am proof that when Intuitive resources are properly directed … great things can happen.



 If you know you’re here to do something amazing, and you want to do it in a way that is powerful, creative, evolutionary and rooted in conscious awareness … and you want to authenically apply it to your life, so you can thrive, then you have to be willing to think big, activate all of your power and really get your hands dirty. (Which is a part of the fun!)

This includes accessing your Peaceful and Powerful side, unleashing your authentic and most honest self, heart, body, mind and Soul. I suggest avoiding trendy cliche’s as much a possible, set your own trajectory, break the rules of your past and be willing to take some risks that may freak you out a little … or a lot.

I believe that if you are willing to take this leap, then authentic Intuitive power and creativity, can and will reveal itself in your life. And no matter what your obstacles are, or what your history has been, you can access the power you need to elevate your life.

I continue to exercise my curiosity, to deepen my understanding and deepen my skill to further embody what it really means to be an authetically Modern Mystic.


Which brings me to you..


My passion for helping others achieve their goals in a way that is Spiritually unique yet powerfully grounded, is very important to me.

I do my best to be sure there are as many ways to develop your Mystical muscles as possible. Through membership, online programs and coaching, know that I’m committed to helping you use all of your Metaphysical gifts to help you create a life you are deeply proud of.

There is something here for everyone and there are lots of ways you can get your Mystical Groove on. Subscribe to my newsletter, pick up a copy of my book,  or work with me one on one.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me. I’d love to connect with you.

xo Simone


Accelerate your momentum  in every area of your life with powerful one on one coaching designed to deepen your understanding, break through obstacles and move forward with greater Power and Clarity.


Enrich your Mystical understanding and learn how to apply your power in practical ways, with multiple lessons each month. Get coaching, bonuses and much more – all designed to generate greater Confidence and Success.


Dive deep into my vast library of programs and trainings that cover areas like Intuition, Visionary Power, Mystical Initiation and much more. There is something here for everyone to amplify your Wisdom, Knowledge and Power.

Are You Ready to take your Intuitive Power to the next level?