Happy Valentines Day
$100 off Your Personal Clarity Session and your Free Gift.
Thanks so much for being such an important part of my Modern Mystics community. To share a bit of love, I’m offering a special price on a one on one Clarity Session AND a FREE Gift of my audio lesson – The Hero’s Journey.
Check the details below and get your FREE Gift at the bottom of the page.
Special offer expires February 14th. I look forward to spending some time together.
Big love, xo, Simone
Do you want to activate a purposeful momentum in your life, but you feel like sometimes it’s 2 steps forward and 10 steps back? Would you like to identify and release obstacles and clear a path to greater peace, ease and success, but you don’t even KNOW where to begin to look to find the obstacles in the first place? Would you like to achieve your destiny, but aren’t sure about how to access your gifts or put them out into the world in a meaningful way?
As an answer to so many people feeling uncertain about how to move their lives forward; I have developed ‘Clarity Sessions’ as a Soul based, transformational, intuitive support system to help you navigate from where you are to where you want to be.
I help you recognize the spiritual and energetic patterns that are keeping you from moving forward and give you tools and guidance in how to eliminate them. I also help you identify the energetic allies and power sources that can assist you in gaining transformational momentum so you can begin generating results right away. The reading will identify the most prevalent ‘Spiritual Themes’ of your current situation and align them with your Highest outcome.
It is my mission to help you become clear about how you are creating your life and give you the most precise direction to help you take advantage of the potent times we all find ourselves in, so you can become a powerful co-creator of your life.
A Personal Clarity session provides:
* Guidance in any aspect of life: Relationships, Career, Living situation, Spiritual development etc.
* An understanding of the energetic blocks and habits that you may be carrying that prevent you from moving forward or taking action on your dreams
* A revelation of the current ‘THEMES’ that are driving your life now – and the NEW more powerful THEMES that can be used to change your path
* Possible avenues that may be taken that will activate and supercharge your Soul blueprint, so you are inspired by life instead of diminished by it
* Which hidden belief systems you are working with that are effecting your relationships, money, health or career and what you can do to change them
* Changes you can easily make in your environment to support you in your work ahead
An opportunity to use the things that bring you the most happiness to propel you into greater personal confidence and self esteem
* Specific ways to let go of the attitudes, thoughts and habits that COST you energy and how to replace them with ones that PROVIDE energy
* Nutritional or physical guidance to support your body and health as you move forward
… and much more
Each session lasts 2 hours and is based SPECIFICALLY on your goals and is rooted in your unique Soul information and energetics.
You may purchase your session below. My office will be notified right way and you will be contacted within 48 hours to arrange an appointment.
My Clarity session was one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced. I left my time with Simone more energized, with greater focus and knowing the steps to take to make my goals a reality.
Working with Simone in a Clarity session has brought me not only more Clarity, but has activated more fun, play and brought the passion back to the path I am on. She helped me remember ‘Who I am’ in a most joyful way.
My Clarity session helped put my path into perspective. I had forgotten how much power I have and Simone helped me refocus my energy so now I am more grounded, more effective in decisions and actions that are changing everything.
Regular Price – $395 – Expires February 14 (midnight PST)
Thanks for being a part of my Modern Mystics community! Here’s your Valentines Day Gift! Enjoy!
Please accept this FREE Gift as a token of my appreciation for YOUR appreciation of my work.
This recording will assist you in ‘Answering the Call of your Destiny’ and will inspire you to follow your Heart and trust your Intuition to guide you to your ultimate power.
The Twelve steps of your Heroes Journey are the mystical steps every hero must take in order to leave the ordinary world of your ‘old life’ behind, to align with your path, in order to become who you are truly meant to be.