Creating your Future from the Inside – Out
NEW – 8 Week ** Group Mastery Series
September 17 – December 7, 2019

Are you TIRED of trying to create? Are you feeling burned out, stuck and frustrated with trying to manifest, materialize and manipulate? What if instead of trying to MAKE things happen, you were able to be so aligned with your Vision, that it seemingly without a whole lot of effort, just appeared to FLOW out of you?
Do you have a Vision for your future that you are wanting to experience as real in the world? Perhaps it’s starting a new business or taking your current one to the next most expanded level. Or maybe you have an important message and want to step out in the world as a teacher, healer or conscious influencer. Or would you like to deepen and enrich your relationship with wealth and money? Or shape a stronger and healthier body? Or empower and realize your Mystical gifts. Whatever floats your boat … is already FLOWING, you simply need to jump on board.
The completion of these ideals is already done, completed and whole, energetically within you and all around you. The only thing you really need to do, to experience them as real, materially … is say YES to them … and then set yourself up to be in the FLOW of them revealing themselves to you.
You don’t need to burn yourself out with manipulating vibration, time travelling, law of attracting or any of that other resistance generating effort. You simply need to become the conduit through which the Vision naturally emerges and then surrender to where it wants to take you.
This magical sweet spot is where the synchronicities and manifestations happen, but not because YOU are MAKING it happen, (that has already been done for you), but because you have gotten yourself so powerfully aligned with your Vision, that the natural ELEGANCE, EFFICIENCY and EXPANSION of it simply happens because that is what it is designed to do.
So, if you have a deep and heartfelt Vision that is wanting to emerge from within you once and for all – and you’re tired of the constant TRYING to create things, then The Visioneering Group Mastery Series is the change you need and can be the perfect launching pad that you and your Visions have been waiting for.
The current of Creation already knows where you need to go and your Vision already knows everything that it needs to become a reality. You don’t need to MAKE anything happen.
Visioneering is simply yet powerfully saying YES to your Vision, getting into the FLOW of it and letting it work THROUGH you.
And if you know how to engage with it, reverse engineer it and step into serving it – it can and will reward you with all of the health, wealth and well being you could imagine. (and maybe even a few things you could never imagine)

When you join me in my 2023/2024 Visoneering Group Mastery Series, you’ll learn how to access all of the energy and power contained in your Visions for the future and begin to partner with them to shape every aspect of your life on every level.
The reality is: your Visions for the future have landed in your heart and soul because you are the perfect person to bring them into being.
And they are all possible if you can do 3 things:
#1. Say Yes to them
#2. Be and Do the things that are required to give them room to flow and grow
#3. Jump into their power and let THEM carry YOU (instead of the other way around)
Engineering your Vision

There IS a way to making your Visions a reality and it’s NOT rooted in manifestation, manipulation or magic. It’s rooted in an energetic FLOW that actually helps you ENGINEER your Visions for the future, by giving them a stable yet powerful, container through which ALL of the energy of your Visions can move!
YOU are that container and YOU are the Engineer as well.
To ENGINEER a thing means to ‘skillfully design or build, or to artfully arrange for an event or situation to occur.’
And when you join me in the Visoneering Group Mastery Series, I’ll show you exactly how to do it.
Visioneering Shows You How to
ELIMINATE RESISTANCE: Refine your energetic operating system, so the information carried in your Vision can be integrated and NOT shut you down or burn you out (with no playing with frequency, vibrating high or other ‘manipulations’ that don’t work)
AMPLIFY POWER: Discover the difference between a goal and a Vision and how to USE the power carried within the Vision to help you create it
OVERCOME PROCRASTINATION: Discover the inner BS that keeps you from taking the action you know you need to take
GENERATE MASSIVE CLARITY: Get crystal clear about what your Vision will require from you and develop the habits you need to serve it … Now.
INTENSIFY FLOW: Amplify momentum, productivity, consistency and confidence
DO LESS. BE MORE: Learn to let the VISION guide you so you don’t have to do everything yourself
NATURALIZE SYNCHRONICITY: Let the power in the Vision organize the things it needs to succeed
TAKE ELEGANT ACTION: Learn to recognize the patterns of action that are essential and those that aren’t. Stop doing things that waste time.
LET THE VISION LEAD: All of the intelligence you need is carried in the Vision. Learn what it needs, then surrender to its genius
And much more …
Visioneering works in every area of your life
What People Say About Visioneering
Before I joined Visioneering I was scattered in a bunch of directions and wasn’t making any forward movement with starting my new career. 3 weeks after completing the Visioneering program – I landed my dream job! Thanks Simone!
Visioneering helped me cut through the clutter and fluff that I thought was a part of being a Spiritual entrepreneur. When I got clear about my Vision and what it needed from me, the process became ‘almost’ effortless.
Visioneering was the Spiritual kick in the pants I needed. I’m amazed by how Simone was able to help me shape my Vision, get me to take inspired action, and stay focused without burning out. With her help, I’m shaping the life I have always wanted.
Within 6 months of taking Visioneering with Simone, I found a literary agent have almost completed my first book and am finally doing the things I’ve wanted to do my whole life. I’m so proud of the work we did together.
Simone teaches with such care and generosity. She is authentic and I feel her genuine care in every moment. Visioneering helped me grow beyond what I thought I was capable of, all because of her wisdom and support.
Visioneering helped me lose over 50 pounds, lower my blood pressure and come off most of the medication I’ve been on for over 20 years. I haven’t felt this good about myself and my future since … ever!
Simone is the most Authentic Passionate and Powerful Spiritual Coach that I have ever worked with. Visioneering helped me reshape my future & start taking action. Our time together was truly profound!
Here’s how it will take shape …
RARE OPPORTUNITY: I rarely do Group coaching anymore. So this is a wonderful opportunity to plant seeds for a spectacular 2024.
SPACE IS VERY LIMITED: I ONLY HAVE ROOM FOR 6 Mystical students in the group, so I can work with everyone on their specific goals. So if you’re keen on joining me, connect with me below and secure your spot.
WORK 1:1 WITH ME: This way, I can provide you with specific support that is in alignment with what you are working on and what we need to navigate in order to help get you there.
ADDITIONAL TOOLS & LIFE HACKS: You’ll also receive many additional support tools, including guided meditations, spiritual life hacks, tools to overcome resistance and generate momentum and more
CONNECTION WITH YOUR SPIRITUAL TRIBE: Working with a group gives you an opportunity to develop accountability and responsibility to yourself and others – and is a great way to develop Mystical relationships and support. *I’ll discuss more of that when the Group begins.

Phase I (Week 1-4)
Engineering the Vision
6 Powerful Webinars
3 Live Coaching Calls
Module #1: Inspiration
Module #2: Intention
Module #3: Identity
Module #4: Intuition, Innovation, Imagination
Module #5: Integration
Module #6: Implementation

Phase II (Week 5 - 8)
Implementation – Making Things Real
6 Powerful Audio Lessons
3 Live Coaching Calls
Now What? Generating Clarity
Stepping into the Unknown. Generating Courage
Breaking Thresholds – Overcoming Resistance
Getting Things Done – Taking Meaningful Action
Truth Telling – Letting Go of What Doesn’t Work
Going Big – Making Your Future Welcome … and more

MODULE #1 – INTRODUCTION: Discovering Your Inner Resources
This module reveals the Visioneering Foundation that all of your Quantum Creative work is built upon. Here you’ll discover the tools that help you: *Build your Visionary Foundation * Understanding Purpose and Path *Revealing your Inner Resources … and more.

MODULE #2 – INSPIRATION: Recognizing your Destiny
Inspiration is the communication tool of the creative force of the Universe. Putting yourself in a position to recieve inspiration and know how to respond to it is one of the most powerful tools of a Visionary. In this module you’ll develop the tools be ‘Inspiration prone’ and stay there through the Creative process.

MODULE #3 – INTENTION: Saying YES to your Vision
Your ability to apply Conscious choice and direction plays an important role in your ability to succeed. In this module we dive deep into the ideas of, *Saying YES to your Vision * I can, I am, I will * Developing the 4 C’s of Empowered Vision … and more

MODULE #4 – IDENTITY: Becoming Your Future
Identity is one of the most important parts of the Visioneering process. In this module you’ll shape the energetic container through which your Vision will flow. You’ll discover the power in the equation of Being, Doing & Having and begin to craft the consiousness of your Vision already completed … and more.

This module dives deep into the powers of Imagination, Innovation and Intuition; which is the language of your Vision. Here you’ll learn how to generate the powers of mind that provide you with *new expanded ideas * the ability to make quantum leaps in productivity * make new and empowered choices to move in new directions… and more

MODULE 6 – INTEGRATION: Putting all of Yourself Together
Blending all of the Visioneering pieces together in the process of Integration is like putting a cake recipe together and putting it in the oven. In this module you’ll shape a powerful container of stillness that catalyzes everything your have shaped thus far and prepares you for the successes to come.

MODULE 7 – IMPLEMENTATION: Taking Meaningful Action
Action is the catalyzing agent that makes all Visioneering success possbile, literally giving you the power to collapse space and time. In this module you’ll begin to strategize what actions are most aligned with your vision and also cultivate a focused flexibility to take spontaneous action when the need arises.

IMPLEMENTATION: Creating in the 3D World
In Phase 2 we take all of the energetic work we did in Phase 1 and begin to ‘physicalize, earthify and REAL-ize it’.
Wise and Intentional Action in the 3D world is what makes manifestation possible.
Over the course of these 4 weeks, we’ll work specifically on YOUR visions and goals and begin to strategize powerful energetic AND physical protocols to start generating outcomes, based on YOUR needs and concerns.

6 Powerful Audio Lessons / 3 Live Coaching Sessions
Including: Now What? Generating Clarity
Stepping into the Unknown. Generating Courage
Breaking Thresholds – Overcoming Resistance
Getting Things Done – Taking Meaningful Action
Truth Telling – Letting Go of What Doesn’t Work
Going Big – Making Your Future Welcome … and more
You also get…

To help you get super specific about what you need to energize and what you need to release in order to Visioneer your goals, you and I will have a 45 minute coaching call. This allows me to understand exactly what you are working on so I can provide you with precise direction, strategies and action plans that supports what you are creating. $500 Value

These live coaching calls provide you with a powerful deep review of the work, with valuable additional insights, tips and tools. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to connect with me to get your specific questions answered and gain even greater refinement, integration and mastery of your Vision.

You will be provided with a series of Guided Meditations and Visualization Audios that will support you in generating the Spiritual energy that will amplify and accelerate your process.

Doing meaningful and specific WRITTEN work helps literally GROUND the Spiritual Energy that we generate through our inner work. You will be provided with worksheets and exercises that will help you refine your Vision and start to make them real in the world.
Plus 4 Laser Power Bonus Modules

BONUS: GETTING UNSTUCK: Working with the Divine Shadow
This module dives deep into the aspects that may be keeping you stuck, worried, or frustrated. By diving deep into Divine Shadow, you release and amplify a vast reservoir of hidden power and energy that allows you to move ahead with greater courage, clarity and passion, so you can discover your hidden best and stay open when limits appear. $197 Value

BONUS – SPIRITUAL WEALTH: Accessing Inner and Outer Resources
Generating a degree of Wealth Mastery is important to every Vision. In this module you’ll learn: * The TRUE Source of Financial Abundance. * Amplifying Self Worth and Net Worth. * How to ask for what you want, price your work well and feel good about it. * The Understanding of energetic exchange and flow that money represents … and more. $397 Value

BONUS –VISION ACCELERATOR: Generating Creative Speed
This module helps you amplify and accelerate your Visioneering process by activating ‘Service to the Vision.’ When this is energized you become laser focused and able to precisely recognize what is essential, what isn’t and also helps you shape the profound actions that are crucial to making your Vision a reality. $197 Value

BONUS – SHAPING TIME: Scheduling Your Success
Time, when properly structured, works as a container for your Vision. In this module you’ll develop a stable yet flexible calendar of time, that makes dedicated room for the things that are essential to your success, but allows flexibility for the shifts in focus that are required as you generate momentum. $197 Value
All materials in this course are in digital format (MP3, PDF and Streaming Video) so they are easy to access whenever you wish.
PHASE 1 and PHASE 2 – Christmas Break In Between for Integration
ALL teaching modules are available for IMMEDIATE access
Phase I: Weeks 1- 4: Complete Visioneering Masterclass – 6 Online Teaching Modules
Phase II: Weeks 5-8: 6 Powerful Implementation Audio Modules
Total of 6 LIVE Coaching Calls will happen time / date TBD *recorded*
You can join me from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD
BONUS MODERN MYSTICS LESSONS exercises and lessons
All sessions are recorded and available for download
** If you can’t join me LIVE you can email me your questions in advance so you’ll be supported each week
So, if you’re ready to make a bigger impact, create a more profound influence and start putting your spiritual and personal resources to work to bring your inspired visions for the future into reality, then, I invite you to join me for Visioneering Group Mastery – Fall 2019
Do You Have Questions?
If you have any questions about any aspect of the Visioneering Group Mastery Series, or would like more information about payment plans, scheduling, or whether or not it’s a good fit for where you are in your journey right now, please connect with me – and we can set up a time to chat. **Don’t wait. Space is limited and so is the Early Bird Price.
A New Way to Pay Over Time

Are you ready to finally make your Visions real in the world?
Join Me Here
**Space is limited** Early Bird Ends Sept. 10**
Visioneering Group Mastery
EARLY BIRD PRICE - EXPIRES Sept. 10Visioneering Group Mastery
Regular PriceRegister right now for Visioneering Group Mastery. If you have any questions, about the program, how to apply for installments or any other details, please email us at: