The Advanced Practice of Becoming The ONE


March 12 – 16, 2025

Los Angeles / Thousand Oaks, CA


Picture this … Vivid Golden sunrises greeting you every morning, the calming sounds of nature as your daily soundtrack, an amazing group of advanced Metaphysicians all in one place and some of the most powerful Mystical training you might ever experience. Could it be … Heaven on Earth? 

We are all in the midst of a massive transformative time. As the structures of the old 3D world continue to come apart and shift with more and more speed, knowing how to access, partner with and USE the power of your TRUE Spiritual nature will be crucial to your ability to THRIVE in the emerging era. There is no better time than NOW to begin to access the infinite potential of your Soul … and BECOME ONE with it.

Tucked away in a beautiful 60+ acre private estate in the Golden hills of Southern California, Becoming The ONE – The Golden Dreams Retreat is the perfect environment for you to begin to access the POWER of your HIGHEST Self in ways that you may have never considered. … and to go BEYOND what you may have dreamed before.

Imagine letting go of the limits or obstacles that have been standing in the way of you claiming your DREAMS and returning to your daily life with an evolved and empowered sense of Peace,  Power and an unshakeable relationship with your profound INFINITE Self – that you will KNOW and EMBODY for the rest of your life.



You feel that ‘something greater’ is ready to emerge in your life and you want to make it welcome in a big way

You’re ready to take your Mystical practice to the next level, but aren’t sure how to embody advanced practices

You know there’s a simpler yet more powerful approach to your Metaphysical power, but don’t know how to access it

You’re struggling with Soul fatigue or burnout because what used to work isn’t working anymore

You feel stuck in the patterns of fear, overwhelm and can’t seem to shift them

You’re not feeling 100% confident with how to access your Spiritual power. (or what it really feels like when you do)

You’re overwhelmed by all of the conflicting information you hear in the Spiritual arena and by the other things you think you ‘should’ be doing to advance your practice

Or, worst of all, you think there is something WRONG with YOU because you aren’t noticing any real change!

Let go of your worry. Becoming The One – Golden Dreams Retreat is for you …

It’s Time for a Power Trip


The Modern Mystics Becoming The ONE – Golden Dreams Retreat will provide you with advanced Spiritual, Metaphysical and Alchemical training and practice to help you energize and embody your Spiritual power and identity in amazing ways.
The wisdom and practices you discover over the course of these spectacular 5 days will set you on a powerful path that will completely transform you and the way you approach your SPIRITUAL PRACTICE and how you approach everything in your LIFE. With space limited to ONLY 20 participants, you’ll get personal, clear and authentic guidance that will help you develop  deeper awareness and potent understanding of your Spiritual power in REAL TIME.


This is an amazing opportunity to learn authentic, ADVANCED Metaphysical principles and start applying them to your REAL life in REAL ways. There is nothing like learning live and in person and being surrounded by a group of powerful, like minded people, dedicated to their authentic spiritual growth, to help you amplify and accelerate your practice.
Over the course of these powerful 5 days, you’ll discover the masterful principles of BEING the ONE that will help you activate and embody your relationship WITH Source – AS Source
  • How the relationship between Self, Soul and Source is the KEY to everything
  • How to move beyond the elementary ideas of Law of Attraction and Creating Reality into The Law of The One and BEING Reality
  • How to merge with the Power of Source in every moment to gain access to its gifts 
  • How to release the limiting patterns that keep you stuck in the 3D
  • How the IDENTITY shift into THE ONE (Source) alters reality instantly
  • How to understand the ANCIENT and CONTEMPORARY Symbols of Spiritual Power and apply them (using The Christ / The Matrix) as personal examples
  • Profound Metaphysical Cinema night using the film ‘The Matrix’ as a personal alchemical tool and guide
  • How to INSTANTLY access the Quantum field and know how to stay there, and do it with ease and power
  • How to alter your relationship with Source, so it becomes YOUR creative power
  • How to recognize the patterns of UPLEVEL so you’re not freaked out by them
  • How to access the power of SOURCE even when you’re feeling uncertain
  • How to overcome the resistance that is ALWAYS generated when transformation occurs …
  • … and so much more

Spaces are LIMITED to ensure a personalized and intimate experience. Don’t miss this chance to deepen your Spiritual power and put it to work in your life in ways that haven’t even begun to imagine.


Reserve your spot today. Become the ONE. Live your Golden Dreams.


Top level Advanced Metaphysical teaching, uber luxurious amenities and accomodations, delicious organic meals and the spectacular embrace of Southern California nature make the value of this ALL INCLUSIVE retreat … a DREAM come true. Here’s what’s included:
  • Ground Transport to and from LAX (Los Angeles International) to Golden Dreams Ranch
  • 4 days – 4 nights, meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner) and accommodations
  • 2 Daily Workshops including ADVANCED Metaphysical exercises, guided meditations and personal practice
  • Individual coaching and personalized guidance around your Mystical questions and practical goals
  • ‘In the field’ activities designed to help you embody and integrate Courage, Power, Clarity and Focus 
  • Plenty of personal down time to help you stablize and contemplate your work: Including pool lounging, exploring, and enjoying the timeless and beautiful environment surrounding you
  • All of your healthy gourmet meals, freshly prepared with organic, locally grown produce
  • Meditation and hiking in the glorious California hillsides
  • Time to yourself to reconnect with your natural Wisdom code
  • Lodging in deluxe accomodations (Single, Double or Multiple occupancy available)
  • Connecting with an excellent group of like-minded people dedicated to Mystical knowledge and self discovery
  • After care and support so you can continue your Mystical work when you return home
  • Special surprises
  • **Special dietary needs can be accommodated with advance notice (Vegetarian, Vegan etc)
Retreat Package Does Not Include:
  • Airfare
  • Travel Insurance **Highly recommended
  • Personal extras
THIS IS AN EXCLUSIVE RETREAT WITH A LIMITED NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS. If you’d like to join us, please Click on the Apply Here Button and send us your details.



Yes. That is actually the name of this beautiful, private, serene estate nestled in the hills just outside of Los Angeles.
This luxury ranch on 60 gated acres of private walking and hiking trails, majesty mountain backdrops, and avocado fields is your Spiritual home away from home. 
… and we get it ALL to OURSELVES!


* 60+ Acres of private, pristine California paradise. Perfect for walking, hiking and meditation
* Minutes away from the beautiful beaches of Malibu
* Estate features ten opulent bedrooms, nine custom bathrooms, & multiple living and dining areas
* Outdoor dining and BBQ
* The centerpiece of the estate itself is a custom 250,000 gallon heated inground pool and spa
* WIFI available.


The Golden Dreams Ranch features multiple deluxe King suites perfect for private, single or double occupancy.  ** It also features beautiful suites for shared occupancy for 3 or more visitors willing to share a room.
Each suite has spectacular views of the gorgeous California hillsides and their own private full or half bath.
These stunning amenities make it simple to have the sweetest dreams while asleep and awake.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025


12 pm – 3 pm:  Arrival and Settle in

4pm: Light Dinner

5 pm – 8 pm:  Evening Welcome, Meet and Introduction


Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 13-15, 2025

8 am – 9 am: Breakfast

9 am – 1 pm:  Advanced Teaching/ Practice

1pm – 2pm: Lunch

2pm – 6 pm: Advanced Teaching / Practice

7pm: Dinner


Sunday, March 16 , 2025

7 am – 8 am: Breakfast

8 am – 11 am: Teaching / Wrap Up / Good bye


Organic Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Snacks throughout

DIETARY PREFERENCES for Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten Free can be arranged.  

All meals will be served buffet-style with dishes labeled as outlined above and selections can be made according to your personal preferences. If you have dietary restrictions or special dietary needs please let us know those specifics when you register.


EARLY BIRD RATES – for a limited time
Single Occupancy (Private King Suite) – $2995 per person / Regular Price $3595
Double Occupancy (Shared King Suite /2 ppl) – $2795 per person / Regular Price $3395
Multiple Occupancy (Shared Suite/ 3-4 ppl) -$2595 per person / Regular Price $3095
 Simone Wright is Master coach and Metaphysical teacher. She’s also an award winning author, artist and entrepreneur. With a lifetime of Mystical experience and grounded, practical field work, Simone has helped thousands of people from all over the world tap in to their most potent levels of Spiritual power. All in a fun, powerful and practical way.
With over 15,000+ hours of teaching, consulting and service, Simone brings a clear, precise approach that shapes real results and tangible outcomes for those who are dedicated to their true growth.
What's included in the price?

Everything listed in the Highlights section above. That includes ALL of your Metaphysical lessons, meals and luxury accomodations. Travel to the destination, travel insurance and other extras are not included.

What if I have to cancel after I book?
I know plans can change and things in life do happen to stifle our plans… so refunds can be issued within 30 days of purchase. 
But after 30 days all bookings and reservations are final. As mentioned before, this retreat is limited to a very small group of people and we have responsibilities to our location hosts and other vendors based on your registration.
If you are concerned about not being able to attend after you register, we HIGHLY SUGGEST TRAVEL INSURANCE to assure your peace of mind.
How do I get there?
If you are flying in from US or International destinations, we suggest you arrive at Los Angeles International airport. We have arranged for a shuttle from LAX to take guests to the Ranch and return them to LAX on our last day.
If you prefer to drive, let us know when you register and we can be sure you have the directions.
what are the accomodations?
We are blessed to have the private 60+ acres of the Golden Dreams Ranch all to ourselves. The lodging includes beautiful, luxurious suites and bathrooms (single, double or multiple occupancy), fresh, organic meals and wonderful outdoor activities.
what kind of people will be there?
Only the coolest, hottest, funnest, wisest Spiritual bada**es on the planet! That must mean you!
We are curating this event to be sure that everyone who attends is a right fit for the learning and for the group. So you can expect the people to be self directed, empowered, motivated and gracious – as well as fun loving, playful and adventurous.
If this sounds like a group of people you would like to be a part of, then we invite you to click the JOIN HERE button and introduce yourself.
how do i register and pay?
Because we are shaping this Advanced event to be sure that it is a perfect fit for everyone who attends, if you’re interested in joining us then … please click the “Join Here/ button and send us an email to say ‘HEY, I’m interested!!’
We will get in touch with you within 24 hours to arrange a ‘Discovery phone call’, where we can discuss your needs, answer your questions and discuss your plans.
After the call, we will send you a payment link, based on Single or Double occupancy and you can Register and Pay via that link. 
why do i have to apply? why can't I just register?
It’s super important to me that everyone who attends gets the BEST experience ever – and truth be told, this event might not be right for everyone. So to be sure I know ahead of time what your goals, needs and desires are for growth, the ‘application/meet first’ process gives us the chance to connect and answer some important questions together.
It’s not a test. It’s just a chance to be sure we are a good fit! I’ll look forward to meeting you.
With Simone’s encouragement and tools I have discovered a knowing and a wisdom within myself that I never thought possible. I have recognized the places where I can expand/become more, and what I no longer need or want to keep active in my life and awareness.
  With Simone by my side I have literally sat in the kingdom of heaven, I have brought forth all manner of powerful, loving ally’s to assist me in my journey and have witnessed synchronicites/magic that have left me with a knowing and a passion that fuels my quest to evolve higher and higher.

I have studied with many Spiritual teachers, read widely and experimented with what I have been shown over decades. But the clean, pure way you present Spirituality and your care in creating our understanding of ‘why’ and ‘how’ has triggered knowing I remember I held when I was young but lost through my twenties.
While all the other teachings I have delved into each provided important learning, it’s through Modern Mystics that I have found the profound link to all the wisdom I could always sense I held but not grasp.  Like sociology it has opened my eyes to what I knew and allowed me to now understand it.

I cannot thank you enough for your brilliant course. It has helped me to see things that I had not really understood about Alchemy. I now fully understand the alchemists’ injunction: “Visit the interior of the earth”.
It has also helped me to understand the meaning of Salve et Coagula and bring elements of my shadow which are obstructing my creative work.
I love the clarity and precision of your teaching and also your humour which is essential in a good teacher.



March 12 – 16, 2025