Claiming the Keys of ‘I AM Complete’

Advanced Workshop: LIVE 3-Day Virtual Retreat

October 18 – 20, 2024

When you realize the access to your Highest Spiritual Good is here and now, and always has been … that is when everything changes.

Are you feeling like your Spiritual Path has changed, maybe even disappeared lately?

Are you feeling worn out, burned out, even freaked out because the things you USED to do in Life and in your Spiritual practice have all come apart?

Is there an amplified inner longing to once and for all, lay claim to the divine power of ‘I Am Source’ that is REAL … but you can’t seem to LIVE there?

That inner yearning to reconnect with your true self and tap into the incredible power of your SOURCE Self can be elusive. It’s in these moments of struggle, when we’re feeling disconnected from our Higher Self, that the pain of not having access to our deepest wisdom becomes all too real. But those days of ‘searching for answers’ are over.

Let’s face it – the spiritual path isn’t always easy. It’s riddled with challenges. And maybe you’re noticing that the trendy New Age practices, simply aren’t working for you and have left you feeling a bit Spiritually HOMELESS. Welcome to the club. You’re not alone.

If you feel like you’ve been spinning your Spiritual wheels, or just find yourself at a crossroads, and you’d like to really, finally REST in your Spiritual HOME … then you’re in the right place and the ‘Finding Home’ Advanced 3-Day virtual retreat is where you’ll find the keys that will help you get rooted and moving UP with elevated Peace and Power.. *ALL from the comfort of YOUR 3D home!!



The pain of not having access to your Higher Self can manifest in various ways. It might mean making choices that don’t align with your true desires and purpose. It could be feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or even empty. The inability to engage with your Higher Self might leave you feeling like something vital is missing from your life—a deep sense of fulfillment and guidance that only your divine essence can provide.

But guess what? You’re not alone. Countless seekers have faced these same struggles and felt the ache of disconnection from their Higher Selves. 

That’s why I created  the Coming Home/ Finding Home Masterclass series.  A transformative and multi-level journey designed to help you reclaim your inner power, forge a profound relationship with your Higher Self, and ultimately alleviate that limiting, but illusory pain of disconnection.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting to dip your toes into self-discovery waters – The ‘Finding Home Advanced Virtual Retreat’ will provide potent keys that will clarify things in ways that you might never have imagined. And will help you realize you’ve ALWAYS been at HOME in Source, and you’ll never be without that awareness ever again.  Your days of ‘seeking’ are over.



In this super potent 3 day LIVE Online Masterclass (with ALL NEW content – plus bonuses) you’ll discover some VERY powerful understandings about who you REALLY ARE, how to access the HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE  of Ultimate Source Power and use it to help you navigate life with LOVE, PEACE and CLARITY even when it feels like the 3D world is coming apart. *Which, if you haven’t noticed … it sort of is! ;~)


Re-ignite Your Divine Relationship: The power of your Soul is and always has been available to you in every moment. No need for vibrating high or thinking positive. You have access to it even when you feel like crap! Discover simple, yet powerful approaches that engage you with Source in ways that will transform how you approach everything in your life.

Discover the HOME Field advantage you have always had: Learn to access your Higher Self in a heart beat. Forge a rock solid, trusting bond with your true nature that is within you and all around you now. No fancy tricks or intricate meditations. Learn to HEAR Source and LIVE in it 24/7

Dissolve Stumbling Blocks: When you FIND HOME, you’ll be able to recognize, release and surrender all of the repeating patterns of SELF that have been slowing you down.  Say goodbye to the limitations that have been holding you back. Dissolve the limits of survival, fear and anxiety. Rest in the energy of Peace, Power and Love.

Amplify Your Spiritual Intelligence: Your relationship with Source has been there the whole time, you just didn’t know how to engage or how to listen.  Discover ADVANCED yet simple ways to engage with the power in this ever present ally and invite it to help you let go of everything that isn’t YOU.

Partner with SOURCE to create ULTIMATE Good: When we move into ADVANCED levels of Source relationship, the way we manifest completely changes. We don’t try to attract anything anymore – because when we are HOME in SOURCE we know we already possess everything. THAT is when Manifesting becomes miraculous.

You’ll also learn ADVANCED ways of:

Engaging with Higher Self/ Source energy instantly and maintaining that engagement throughout the day

Recognizing OLD patterns of 3D Self and neutralizing them so you can take Authentic Action

Rooting yourself in the Power of Source, where problems cease to exist and so can evaporate in your life

Shifting from the frantic thought patterns of the 3D mind, into the STILL and EXPANSIVE pattern of the Divine mind, so AWARENESS and CLARITY is your baseline

Understanding how the OLD patterns of SELF will appear as they come apart and how to accelerate their disolution

Maintaining your levels of LOVE, PEACE and POWER as you make your return HOME to your TRUE Nature

… and much more!



There’s a potent moment on the Spiritual path, when it seems like ‘the path’ disappears. The things that used to work in the material world, no longer do. Even the things we used to do in our Spiritual practice seem to fail us. That is where we all find ourselves now. But we need not fret … it’s a good thing.

It means we’re ready for the ADVANCED move, of ‘Going Vertical’ … that means turning our identity over to SPIRIT and letting the old 3D ways of doing things… go.

It’s not easy. It IS an ADVANCED practice. But you’re ready to RISE. It’s what you’ve been training for.

You always have had the access to this Spiritual portal, but you’ve been distracted by the pull of the material world and some of its ‘new age, shiny, ideas’. Going Vertical, Finding your HOME in SPIRIT is eternal. Not trendy. And it’s the KEY to the Peace, Power and Love that you’ve been searching for.

The search is over. The path has disappeared. Because you ARE HOME.

Here’s what it looks like inside …




FRIDAY, October 18: 12-4 PM PST

Our first day together will be an opportunity to say Hello, introduce ourselves and start the process.

Here we’ll do a review of the BONUS/ FOUNDATION work, getting clear about the MAP of YOU, YOU and YOU – that is Self, Soul and Source. When you understand this map clearly, the concept of I AM Source, moves beyond an idea, into a profound knowing.



SATURDAY, October 19: 12- 4 PM PST

There is a process of ‘disconnection’ that happens when we arrive here in the 3D and begin our lives as self.

On this day, we’ll discover the map of Forgetting that wipes our memory of being HOME in Source and how we can begin to dissolve the illusion that keeps us feeling lost, stuck and afraid. Today we’ll begin to CLEAN the lenses of fear and begin to return to the LOVE that we really are.




SUNDAY, October 20: 12- 4 PM PST

Source is your TRUE identity and LOVE is your authentic energetic fingerprint. When we begin to claim that reality we begin to walk through life AS SPIRIT itself and have access to ALL of its resources.

On this day, we’ll deepen our relationship and engagement with Source energy and begin to settle into our  return home with SPIRIT as our ever emerging identity.


These lessons are essential for the ADVANCED work and it is suggested you complete them prior to the Live Retreat.

FOUNDATION LESSONS: Pre-recorded Webinars

The ADVANCED Nature of the Finding Home 3 Day Virtual Retreat, does require some foundational understanding. So as a MAJOR bonus, I’m including the Foundational lessons of the Coming Home Introductory Masterclass to get you started. **Or to review, if you’ve already taken the Coming Home Masterclass.

These lessons are ESSENTIAL to the concepts we will be building on and expanding during the FINDING HOME Advanced Course – and are available IMMEDIATEDLY when you register. It will be important that you have taken the time to study these lessons prior to the beginning of the ADVANCED retreat. *We will review them on Day #1 to be sure we have the foundational concepts in place.

Foundation Module #1 - The Divine Map of You

One of the most challenging aspects of Coming Home is recognizing the intimate and powerful relationship between Self, Soul and Source.

In this potent lesson, you’ll begin to understand the MAP of this divine relationship and learn to recognize the intricate yet simple relationship that exists between You, You and You.

Your Higher Self, Source has been patiently waiting for you to remember that you’ve never been separate. This module helps you recognize where you ARE – and when you’re pointed in the direction of HOME  … or not.

**Immediate access upon registration

Foundation Module #2 - Coming Home: Claiming Power as Source

When we learn how simple it is to return and reclaim our power AS Source, we begin to realize how hard we’ve been making it on ourselves.

We have been given EVERYTHING due to our BIRTHRIGHT. We don’t have to earn, deserve or manipulate ANYTHING in order for that to be true. We simply need to remember WHO we are and turn our attention to the INNER power – and we gain access to all of it’s resources.

**Immediate Access upon registration

Foundation Module #3 - Bringing the LIGHT

There WILL be challenges on the path HOME. Breaking the patterns of the old Self will take some practice. But when we learn how to approach these challenges and we can bring the LIGHT of our Higher Self to them, and thus alchemize them back into Source.

This can be one of the most difficult parts of the journey. Knowing how to MASTER the LIGHT, becomes a crucial key to BECOMING it. Without ANY manipulation of vibration, worries about emotions or any of that other 3D stuff.

**Immediate Access upon Registration


WHEN: The 3-DAY LIVE VIRTUAL retreat begins Friday, October 18 with ALL NEW ADVANCED content.

*See schedule below

But you get IMMEDIATE Access to the BONUS/ Foundational training – NOW!

WHERE:  The comfort of home … Join Via ZOOM

WHAT: A TOTALLY NEW idea about your relationship with Source and how to partner with it in a powerful and easy way.

WHY: Because it’s TIME!

HOW: Register below. Dive in to the first lesson!.

JOIN IN DETAILS: As soon as you register, you’ll get instant access to the FOUNDATION content.

REPLAY: All classes will be recorded and a replay will be provided. But if you’d like to have 1:1, questions answered, or have an opportunity to work with me 1:1 in the HOTSEAT, I encourage you to be there live!



Friday, October 18

Meet Via Zoom: 12-4 PM (PST)


Review of Foundational Practice




Saturday, October 19

Meet Via Zoom: 12-4 PM (PST)

Module #1 (12-1:30)




Break (1:30 – 2:00)

Module #2 (2:00- 4:00)






Sunday, October 20

Meet Via Zoom: 12-4 PM (PST)

Module #3 (12-1:30)




Break (1:30 – 2:00)

Module #4 (2:00- 4:00)




Wrap Up



Wouldn’t it be nice to Move in and REST? You can. It’s time. You’re ready.

I invite you to join me in this simple yet powerful return of spiritual remembering. Your Higher Self is calling you back to it, and the FINDING HOME – ADVANCED 3-Day Virtual Retreat’ is the key to opening the door.

You can get started RIGHT AWAY with the FOUNDATION Lessons …

If you’re ready to get the Keys to your Forever Spiritual HOME, click the link below and I’ll see you in the Virtual classroom.

xo Simone

**Pay over time with Afterpay/ Clearpay or Klarna when you check out *Conditions apply/ US Residents only


FINDING HOME Advanced Retreat

Regular Price

If you have any difficulty registering please email us at: