First Intelligence Meditation Audio Packages










This pair of guided meditations are a part of the foundation of Intuitive development outlined in Simone’s fabulous book – First Intelligence: Using the Science and Spirit of Intuition. Included in this audio download are: Generating Coherence Meditation and Expanding Your Perceptions Meditations.

Supported by beautiful music, these energetic work outs are crucial to your Intuitive success and will assist you in fine tuning your Intuitive practice and enable you to put it to work to specifically suit your goals.

Separate from each meditation, Simone also includes an introduction and walk through of each exercise, so you know what to expect prior to each journey. She also explains the biological and energetic reasons behind why you are doing what you are doing, so you can enter the process from a grounded and confident foundation.

Included in this Audio Download:

#1. An Introduction to Generating Coherence (8:38)

#2. Generating Coherence Meditation: Establishing the platform of Peace (11:39)

#3. An Introduction to Expanding Perception (5:39)

#4. Expanding Perception Meditation: Moving Beyond Limits (19:27)

***NOTE: These meditations are also available as a part of the deluxe package of meditations featured in the Diamond Series Download.


Designed to supplement the instruction found in First Intelligence: Using the Science and Spirit of Intution, this deluxe series of guided meditations features 4 of Simone’s most powerful meditations meant to assist, support and develop your Intuitive Intelligence and Creative power.

Simone also includes a brief introduction and walk through of each meditation which explains the biological and energetic reasons behind the activities included in the exercises, so you can engage in the process with a sense of certainty and purpose.

Included are the two introductions and meditations from the FOUNDATION Series, which are meant to empower and focus your Intuitive ability:

#1. Introduction to Generating Coherence (8:37)

#2. Generating Coherence Meditation: Establishing the Platform of Peace (11:38)

#3. Introduction to Expanding your Perception (5:36)

#4. Expanding Your Perception Meditation: Moving Beyond Limits (19:26)

and TWO additional meditations designed to amplify your creative strength and refine your manifesting power

#5. Introduction to Meeting Your Higher Self (9:33)

#6. Meeting Your Higher Self Meditation: Blending with Your Soul (14:28)

#7. Introduction to Creating In the Field (14:28)

#8. Creating In the Field Meditation: Making it Real (25:23)