Navigating Chaos

First Aid for Spiritual Emergenc(y) Mini Masterclass Package


Live Masterclass : Sunday, October 13 @ 1PM PST

**Special Price for a Limited Time

Learn to navigate inner and outer CHAOS, reclaim your Power and move through your Spiritual Adventure with greater Peace, Wisdom and Potency.

Have you been feeling like you’ve been through a Spiritual meatgrinder lately?

Have you been feeling profoundly challenged by the current global and personal chaos that seems to be accelerating?

Are you confused by why things appear to be getting worse and the things that used to work in your world … no longer do?

You’re not alone. You aren’t doing anything wrong.

You’re emerging. You’re levelling up. You’re becoming MORE of who you really are.

But being in the UNKNOWN and the UNCHARTED of this CHAOS can be hard. It can feel scary. But there IS a reason for it. And there IS help.


In this ongoing and rapidly accelerating era of Spiritual expansion, we are all being called to embrace the highest version of ourselves like never before. And for many of us … we are facing challenges, both inner and outer, like never before.

The signs and symptoms of this emergence can leave us feeling confused, frustrated and helpless as old patterns and paradigms come apart. 

Health issues, financial obstacles or a general feeling of ‘the spiritual blahs’ are sending us into a deeper degree of The Dark Night of the Soul. It can feel like TOTAL CHAOS has taken over.

There is a powerful First Aid treatment for our Spiritual Emergenc(Y) that can assist us through this next phase of evolution with a heightened degree of understanding and clarity. Knowing how to navigate this STORM of transformation, and access the PEACE and POWER of our Higher Self while in the middle of it all, gives us access to the greater picture and to the all of the Spiritual resources that are available to us in the midst of the turmoil.


In this unique combination of Live Mini Masterclass and Audio Masterclass, you’ll gain access to powerful wisdom and potent tools that will help you understand …

  • How to create profound INNER CALM in any 3D storm
  • How to access massive levels of SPIRIT despite 3D turbulence
  • Why CHAOS is essential to the evolution process 
  • Understanding the stages of Spiritual Emergence and how to navigate and use the energies held within them.
  • How to transmute symptoms quickly and release their energies to serve your personal Alchemy
  • Why calling back our Spiritual Power is crucial to emerging gracefully from the stages of transformation
  • Some of the common misconceptions that we may have that actually hold us back.
  • How to activate and amplify our Intuitive Intelligence.
  • How to embrace CHAOS as a good sign
  • …and much more.





NAVIGATING CHAOS : LIVE – 90 Minute Mini – Masterclass

SUNDAY, October 13 at 1 PM PST :via ZOOM **Call will be RECORDED

In this era of profound transformation and chaos, understanding what is happening on a Spiritual level and and how you can gain access to the resources of SPIRIT so you can navigate it with Peace, Power and Clarity … is crucial.

In this 90 minute LIVE call Simone will share:

  • The alchemical framework involved in moving from one reality to another
  • Why CHAOS is essential to transformation
  • How to position yourself INSTANTLY in your ultimate position of Peace and Power regardless of what the 3D world is doing
  • How to ACCESS Higher levels of SOURCE Wisdom and Intuition so you can navigate any storm with Clarity and Awareness
  • Q&A
  • … and more

You will be sent the ZOOM link prior to the call


Supported by the power of the sacred numbers, Zero, Seven, Twelve and One, this powerful 4 Module workshop moves you through the chaotic and challenging process of authentic Spiritual Transformation into greater Peace, Power and Mastery. **Instant download access when you register.

Module #1: The Power of Zero – The signs and symptoms of becoming No-thing. (Audio Download – Approx 2 hrs)

True spiritual transformation requires that we let go of all of the old physical limitations and boundaries that we once accepted as our reality. As we transform from material beings (The Sons of Man) into Spiritual Beings (The Sons of God), our physical world begins to shift as well. Often times these changes in energy manifest as powerful outward symptoms that despite our best spiritual practices, we can do little to change.

These old systems include emotional and physical health, professional and business routines, personal relationships and even spiritual practice. We are often left feeling a sense of chaos, confusion and sometimes even downright crazy as what used to work for us no longer does. We are taken to Zero.

In this lesson we’ll shake off some deeply damaging myths and misconceptions about the spiritual journey and bring a more precise perspective into our current situations; empowering us to break down their meaning and reveal their hidden power to serve, heal and transform us. 

Module #2: The Seven Stages of Spiritual Emergence – Mapping Your Initiation (Audio Download – Approx 2 hrs)

Every spiritual emergence goes through a precise process that supports our transformation from Asleep to Awake, Earth to Heaven, Initiate to Master, Man to God, from beginning to end.

In this lesson we will discover the Seven stages of the Initiation process. By understanding these specific stages, we are able to recognize how the past and present situations we have faced in our spiritual adventure are in direct alignment with the initiatory process. This understanding provides us with the clarity to completely embrace, allow and forgive every circumstance thus breaking the wheels of karmic repetition and freeing up the power to activate our personal alchemy and propel us forward with more grace, ease and joy.

Module #3: The Twelve Powers – Building your Spiritual Team (Audio Download Approx 2 hrs)

Twelve is a very powerful number. 12 signs of the Zodiac. 12 tribes of Israel. 12 deciples of Jesus. We too have access to Twelve Spiritual Powers that are constantly supporting us and shifting to serve us from moment to moment. Identifying and accessing these Spiritual Powers is crucial to our transformational process.

This module will reveal the Twelve Spiritual powers that are continuously in service to us and how we can develop intimate and connected relationships with them. We will discover how we can personally connect to and use these powers via the use of archetype, symbolism and color thus activating an energetic team that stands to serve us in every moment.

Module #4:  Back to One – Coming Home/Claiming Your Power (Audio Download – Approx 2 hrs)

The previous 3 lessons have brought us to the culmination and integration of our process. We are, through this process of Spiritual Emergency, brought back home. Home to our TRUE powerful Selves.

This module integrates all of the processes done this far and gives us the opportunity to reflect on and release all of the energies that have limited our progress in the past. Here, we once and for all recognize and call back our power from the illusions of the material world and integrate our physical nature with our Spiritual One.

Now with a clear understanding of the process and your Spiritual Power planted firmly in place, your Spiritual Emergence will no longer feel like an emergency. Now you will recognize that you have walked the path perfectly, you will see clearly where you have come from and where you are going and you now have access to every tool you will ever need to continue the journey with a greater sense of power and satisfaction than ever before.

4 Bonus Coaching/ Q&A Lessons and Guided Meditations (Audio Downloads)

Each module contains an additional teaching and coaching audio lesson. In these calls, Simone goes even deeper into the understandings explained in each module and brings further clarity to the concepts and principles of each class.

The program also contains multiple Guided Meditations, slide files and articles to further assist you with your process.

All lessons are in mp3, pdf and download form. You’ll gain immediate access to the program when you register.


Complete Program includes:

Live ZOOM Mini Masterclass – October 13 @ 1PM PST *Call will be recorded

Complete Spiritual 911 AUDIO Program

  • Immediate download after purchase
  • Over 15 hours of audio, slides, guided meditations, scripts and Q&A to support you in the process of your Spiritual Emergence(y)
  • 4 Individual Teaching Modules (all pre-recorded webinar presentations available as audio with supporting Powerpoint slide presentation for each module) – each module is approx 2 hours long.
  • Activating Alchemy Guided Meditation and Script
  • Calling Back your Power Guided Meditation
  • Generating Coherence Guided Meditation
  • 4 Individual Module Q&A recordings plus an Extended Q&A Module that covers much more (answers cover money, career, relationships, family, health and healing

… and more


To help you navigate this important time, at a profound level, I’m offering this AMAZING program at a CHAOS busting special price… but it ends on October 13!

If you’re ready to start MASTERING your Emergence … then join me today.

If you have any difficulty accessing or downloading the course, please email us at: