About Simone


As a respected authority on Spiritual Evolution, Intuitive Intelligence and Quantum Creativity, Simone Wright is an internationally valued expert on the power of the human spirit and its massive potential for evolutionary intelligence and groundbreaking visionary ingenuity.

She is a highly respected Intuitive consultant, mystical teacher and author as well as being an award winning entrepreneur and globally collected artist who has become the highest selling artist of her kind in the world. (www.simonewrightfineart.com )

She applies her lifelong experiences of deep mystical, metaphysical and esoteric inquiry and application, to be a deeply valued  resource for clear and practical wisdom, support and guidance for all levels of students on the transformative path.

Simone’s client list includes the top achievers and emerging talents in a broad field of specialties that include Conscious CEO’s and Visionary Entrepreneurs, police and law enforcement personnel and health and wellness providers and Hollywood entertainers. All have benefited from Simone’s precise intuitive vision, clear conscious direction and powerfully practical approach. This enables people from all walks of life to discover the power of their limitless creative intelligence and to activate the clear wisdom required to bring all of their Visions into reality.

Simone has successfully used her dynamic Intuitive skills to assist in police investigations, missing children’s cases and individual and corporate business strategies. She is a featured writer for The Huffington Post and has written articles for Entrepreneur.com, Mother Magazine and other respected publications around the globe. She has appeared on radio and television programming across North America, presented keynote speeches at numerous conferences and has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show.

Her most recent book, First Intelligence – Using the Science and Spirit of Intuition was published by New World Library. (June 2014) Her other titles are Soulstrategies – Little Bits of Wisdom for Creating the Life of your Dreams and Survive & Thrive – Overcoming the End of your Relationship and Healing Completely for yourself. Her award winning artwork can be found at www.simonewrightfineart.com


“Each of us has direct access to all of the wisdom and intelligence we will ever need. We need only look within, to unlock the treasures hidden inside of us.” ~ Simone