Planting Seeds for your Mystical Future

Winter Solstice marks a very special time of year for a Modern Mystic. It’s a time of deep inner reflection and celebration, honoring the progress of the past year and planting seeds for the New Year to come.

To celebrate the energy of the season, I have put together a collection of some of my favorite Seasonal Mini Master Classes and Online / Audio Workshops.

Whether you’re looking to plant new seeds for transformation, amplify your Intuitive Power,  or navigate the path of your Spiritual journey with greater Grace, there’s something here for everyone … all priced at Super Solstice Savings.

The Holiday Mini Master Class Package and special prices are offered for a very limited time, so I invite you to take a look around, see what speaks to you and give yourself a wonderful gift that you’ll use for a lifetime. 

May your season be filled with the most beneficent Light.


Winter Solstice Sale

60% off Holiday Mini- Master Class Package

This Audio package features 2 of my favorite Seasonal Modern Mystics Mini Master Classes which are essential to any Mystical toolbox.

This amazing Audio package Includes:

Master Class #1: December – The Christed Light and Opening Your Spiritual Gifts

Master Class #2: January – Planting Seeds: Empowering Vision & Identity

Both of these classes contain powerful Mystical lessons and coaching, guided meditations, articles and much more – designed specifically to help you take advantage of this very special time of year and to help you begin to prepare for and create your Mystical New Year starting now. With these deep esoteric understandings and practical tools, you’ll never need to make another New Years Resolution again.


Regular price: $197 – Solstice Sale Price – $77


Upgrading our Intuitive Intelligence is one of the most meaninful gifts we can ever give ourselves. Our Intuition is a natural skill that we all posses, but learning how to develop and train it properly is the key to being able to use and direct it – AT WILL – to serve our goals and desires for the future.

This powerful and practical Online program covers all of the foundational tools, understandings and exercises covered in my internationally respected book ‘First Intelligence’ and teaches you how to easily and effectively start to master your Intuition in a grounded yet powerful way … at your own pace, from the comfort of your own home.

Program features over 20 hours of video and audio training, exercises, guided meditations and practice that you can complete on your own schedule.


Regular price: $597 – Solstice Sale Price – $247


The path to our Spiritual Mastery is not always an easy one. In fact, as the energies on our planet continue to shift and amplify, many folks on the spiritual path, even those with years of practice under their belts are experiencing challenges like never before.

The signs and symptoms of this emergence can leave many of us feeling confused, frustrated and helpless as old patterns and paradigms are broken apart. Health issues, financial obstacles or a general feeling of ‘the spiritual blahs’ are sending many of us into a deeper degree of The Dark Night of the Soul and for some it can feel like total chaos has emerged.

This indepth multi-media program helps you navigate this ‘in between stage’ of transformation, showing you  how to engage your most powerful attributes higher and reveals the greater picture held within the challenges and blessings of the ‘Christing’ process.


Regular price: $297 – Solstice Sale Price – $127


xo Simone

If you have any difficulty purchasing or accessing your programs, please email us at: