Modern Mystics Membership


Enrollment for Membership is Currently Closed

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You ARE the SOURCE of everything. It’s time to CLAIM it.

Spiritual transformation can be hard. Modern Mystics Membership provides you with the education, community and support you need to Master your life from the Inside – Out.

You’re passionate and you’re dedicated. You put the time and effort into your Spiritual development. So why does it feel like you’re not making any progress?

Have you been working on your Spiritual Practice for what seems like forever and are still not seeing the 3D results you want?

Do you sometimes feel like you’re spinning your wheels, with creating some 3D results, but not in a way that generates momentum or real traction?

Do you feel like ‘something is missing’ in what is out there in the Spiritual guru world and want something that is REAL, PROVEN and UNIQUELY YOURS?

Do you feel that as a Mystic you don’t belong or you’re doing it all on your own and need some support and community?



Modern Mystics Membership was created to help Metaphysicians understand, deepen and USE their Spiritual power to transform every aspect of life … in ways that are REAL, PROVEN and ALREADY YOURS!

Welcome to the most powerful Evolutionary moment in our history and a new era of Spiritual growth, creativity and expression.

As Spiritual Adventurers walking a Mystical path, this IS the moment we have been preparing for. As the structures of the 3-D world come apart on a global and personal level, we can no longer depend on the logical and rational ideals of what is known. We feel it into our core, that it is only by tapping into the realm of the Spiritual and Esoteric unknown, and the Wisdom that lies there … that we will find our way through this potent moment.

For a Mystic, one trained in the realm of Consciousness and direct engagement with Source energy, THIS is a time of limitless potential and opportunity. It is a moment that can shape a Quantum leap in Evolution. If we KNOW how to use it.


A Mystic is one who deliberately and intentionally walks the path between worlds and who navigates between Spirit and Matter, the Seen and the Unseen, and the Known and the Unknown, with Grace, Power and Balance. (and a sense of Lightness and Humor about it all as well)

It will be the Mystics who RISE and LEAD in the Emerging world. But in order for us to do so with as much potency as possible, we have to invite and exercise the Evolutionary impulse that is making itself known … and give it room and permission to grow.

The emerging Mystics will be invited to shape new ideas in business, health and well being, leadership, education, environment, justice, commerce, community, wealth and prosperity and every other area of life that was once only the domain of the ‘un-initiated’.

If you feel that you’d like to take a position in these emerging potentials … then I invite you to join me. It is time.


MASTERY is the capacity to do this work, wide awake, in the moment, without having to think about it and without questioning our capacity to be successful. The complex, becomes easy … our Life and our Spiritual practice, becomes our Art.

Here’s how we do it …

#1 – 📚 Education – True wisdom and knowledge gives you the confidence and courage to claim and achieve your goals because you will have potent, field tested and FLUFF FREE solutions to every problem.

#2 –🌍 Community – A tribe of like minded adventurers keep you inspired and understood, so you can keep going even on the hardest days. Support and celebrate growth and mastery together. 

#3 – 👫 Support – Every path on the Spiritual adventure is unique, you need individual help and with my expert guidance, I’ll help you map your way to profound success and well being. 

I’ve worked with thousands of students over 20 years and these three pillars are the key to their profound success.


Upgrade your Metaphysical Practice

Start Creating Real Results

Transform Health, Wealth and Well Being

Start Feeling Power and Clarity

Let go of Feeling Stuck

Gain greater Spiritual Momentum

Connect with Mystical Friends

Dissolve Fear

Alter your Relationship with Soul

Start Creating WITH Source, AS Source

Knock the Fluff off Spiritual concepts

Make Life alot more FUN!

ADDITIONAL SIDE EFFECTS: Joining Modern Mystics Membership may cause:

Swelling of Well Being and Confidence

Increased experiences of Synchronicity, Opportunity and Co-incidence,

Moments of uncontrollable Happiness for no reason

Spontaneous eruptions of Intuition and Mystical connection

Expanded flow of Creativity, Abundance and Clarity

Uninhibited feelings of Peace, Power and Knowing

Everything we work on in Membership is focused on claiming, shaping and deepening your Spiritual Mastery and the FREEDOM that accompanies it. Clarity, Peace, Power , Joy and Creativity become our TRUE normal and we can direct it AT WILL … Regardless of what the 3D world is doing.

Does this sound good to you? If it does … then you’re ready to become a Modern Mystics Member.


The lessons contained within the Modern Mystics library, both current and archival are RICH and POTENT Metaphysical guidebooks. … and the content is continuously expanding to suit the energy of the current moment.

Below you’ll see just SOME of the lessons you’ll get immediate access to when you join us in Membership.



There is an energetic position rooted in the center point of Matter and Spirit, that gives us  dynamic access to the realms of Soul and Source. This point of power amplifies your creative capacity to shape and materialize your OWN experiences, WITHOUT INTERFERENCE from any other source. Internally or Externally.


As we begin to generate the momentum that is inevitable in our Metaphysical work – we WILL encounter old patterns both internally and externally that can slow down or sabotage our progress. When we learn how to recognize and alchemize these old patterns, we are able to transform the energy contained within them – so they serve as allies that support our dreams instead of enemies that thwart them.


Our Metaphysical work only has real value, when we can embody it as completely as possible in the physical world. Our practice this Season has activated the Identity of Sovereign Power of Soul and Source, literally into our DNA. Here we create WITH the Sovereign power AS the Sovereign Power – Inviting the Field to respond with greater momentum to WHO we are BEING.



Understanding our position and identity within the Magickal equation is essential to having it work in our favor. This module focuses on  claiming and energizing the identity of The High Priest/ess and begins to develop the levels of mind and energy that are key to generating intentional magickal results. This is where the foundation of Personal Magick is built.


There is an electro-magnetic language that all creation is rooted in and learning to speak it fluently is the key to creating Magickal outcomes. This module deepens our Metaphysical communication by using the elemental structures of Spirit/Fire, Mind/Air, Feelings/Water and Body/Earth to move into phase with the creative Matrix of reality so it begins to more directly respond to our intentions.


True magick is a deeply personal and intimate process. Once the foundation is established, we are invited to bring our unique impulses and creativity to the relationship. This module shapes your personal prayer, ceremony and meditations that are designed to assist YOUR individual goals for the future and empower the ideals that have value to YOUR spiritual journey.



The Mystical meaning of GNOSIS is the Power to KNOW your Divine Nature. In this powerful module we dive deep into the metaphysical structure of Self, Soul and Source and begin to see, feel and KNOW how profoundly and intimately connected we are to the creative power of Infinite Intelligence. Here we discover the map of Divinity that unlocks all of your Power.


The Mystical meaning of COMMUNION is to generate a unity or co-mingling with the energy of Source. In this module we begin to gain access to greater levels of all of our energetic resources … mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Here you’ll begin to merge Matter & Spirit to become a more potent creative power



The Mystical meaning of AT-ONE-MENT is to ‘re-concile or bring back together.’ In particular, re-uniting our Human nature with our Divine one. In this module we begin to deepen that reconnection through the Metaphysical Creative process. (what some might call manifestation, miracle making or magick)


Here’s what’s coming next …



When we truly begin to Remember who we ARE – AS Source, we gain access to a massive level of power that we can’t even begin to comprehend from our 3 D nature. In this lesson we begin to more deeply understand and KNOW the TRUTH of our I AM nature and start putting it to work in important ways.


‘When you KNOW the TRUTH … Facts don’t matter.’ This becomes a crucial understanding to our ability to materialize, shape and transform our reality. When our TRUE nature becomes our default level of BEING, our capacity to CHOOSE AS Source becomes an every day habit and reality. This is the TRUTH we’ll uncover in this lesson.



As our Identity AS Source continues to be integrated and KNOWN, the miracles that are a part of that identity become an every day occurance. Our 3D reality becomes a Divine reflection of that wholeness and perfection and we more and more begin living AT CAUSE through CHOICE and understanding. This is where Miracle prone becomes a reality.


…. and SO much MORE!!!



I LOVE helping people ‘Remember who they are.’ There is nothing more rewarding to me than hearing from a member how they FINALLY recognize that the power they have been seeking has been right there, within them the whole time. THAT is MY happy place!

With over 25 years of Mystical experience and inquiry, I can say, without a doubt that I am a teacher who has walked the path and field tested everything I share.  I teach only the principles, that I know, without a doubt – work. Because I have used them in my own life, and I have taught people from ALL walks of life, how to succesfully use them in their lives as well.

There is no fluff here and nothing trendy or cliche’. Only time tested, ancient wisdom that is meant to help you shape Power and Wisdom on your Evolutionary path.

So if you’re ready to step into greater levels of Spiritual Power, Intuitive Clarity, Courage, Vision and Focus and start using them in ways meant to expand your life on all levels: I invite you to become a Member of Modern Mystics today, and … BECOME ‘THE ONE’ in your own life … to find YOUR happy place!


Every month we will dive deep into the current Evolutionary moment and shape Metaphysical and Mystical understandings of how to apply the power and wisdom of our Soul to move ahead with greater Clarity, Courage and Confidence. We’ll learn new Spiritual and Alchemical tools, practice psychic and Intuitive games and exercises, and clarify important Mystical teachings designed to support health, wealth, creativity, service and well being in this new era.

Energize and Refine your Spiritual Practice

Deepen Intuition and Inner Guidance

Gain greater access to Soul and Source

Balance and Amplify Emotional Intelligence

Accelerate Creativity for Innovation

Shape Clear Vision and Start Building It

Shape true Magickal tools that work

Develop the Courage to Step out in bigger ways

Gracefully Let Go of what no longer Serves

Expand Psychic Wisdom

Embody Divine Energy and Express it

Connect with Tribe … and MORE.

In SPECTACULAR addition, you have access to the Complete Modern Mystics Library where you’ll find lessons on:

  • How to Engage with Source Energy
  • Developing Spiritual Wealth
  • Using Intuition as your First Intelligence
  • Working with Spirit Guides, Archetypes and Allies
  • Myth busting the Limits of the New Age
  • Cultivating all of your Spiritual Resources
  • How to Create Sacred Space
  • First Aid for Spiritual Emergence(y)
  • How to Transform Limits into Doorways – using Alchemy
  • Developing Spiritual Power
  • How to Deepen Courage, Clarity and Consciousness
  • How to work with Solar, Lunar & Seasonal Cycles
  • How to work with Divine Shadow
  • How to activate all of your Elemental Powers
  • The A, B, C’s of Modern Mysticism
  •  and much, much more.


When you become a Member of Modern Mystics you gain access to a vast Spiritual toolbox full of a wide assortment of powerful yet practical tools designed to help you develop Clarity, Strength and Momentum. You’ll refine the skills you already have and discover many more that you may have never used before. And they’re all served up in a ‘fluff free zone’ with YOUR Growth, Evolution and Mastery in mind.

The profound scope and power of these lessons is UNLIKE ANY metaphysical training program out there! You get IMMEDIATE access to the complete library and can study ON YOUR OWN TIME and SCHEDULE!


Each month we will focus on a particular Mystical, Esoteric or Metaphysical concept that serves your Evolutionary and Spiritual growth. You’ll get tools and exercises that help advance that knowledge so you can use it in powerful yet practical ways.


You have access to my MASSIVE metaphysical library of  pre-recorded webinars that provides you with deep understanding and step by step guidance to move you ahead in your Evolutionary Mystical practice. No fluff – just stuff that works.


Once a month you get a live coaching call with me, (as a part of your live teaching module) where you can connect with me, ask your questions and get personal direction on whatever you are working on in your day to day life or Spiritual Adventure.


I’ve curated a potent list of some of the most powerful Metaphysical films ever produced. Use this amazing playlist as an additional teaching tool to help you contextualize and understand the lessons in a fun yet practical way.


Connect with like-minded Spiritual Adventurers in our live Video calls and in our new Membership Forum. Share your story, compare notes and get support and encouragement from your Mystical family.


As a Modern Mystics Member you get First Dibs access to my retreats, classes and special events. You also receive first opportunity discounts on new programs, special offers and other goodies.


Throughout the year I share special Mini Masterclasses that are focused on a particular Mystical lesson meant to support your practice. You’ll also get special guided meditations meant to amplify and accelerate your growth and other seasonal extras.


Access my Modern Mystics archives with hundreds of hours of audio lessons, exercises, worksheets, guided meditations, mini-masterclasses, videos and much more.


You also receive my complete Initiation Masterclass, which contains powerful tools, tips, exercises and understandings on how to use and apply your Metaphysical training in your daily life AND see results!



Tired of Fluffy stuff that doesn’t work

Ready for a DEEPER understanding of Mystical teaching

Willing to exceed your own expectations

Ready to let go of your fear of being Powerful

Prepared to tell a different story about your life

Willing to step into the potent possibility of the unknown

Available for greater Visibility and Knowing what you Know

Wanting to meet others who are also walking the path

Prepared to own your Worthiness and Stability to Receive

Committed to excel at becoming Miracle prone

Ready to have FUN PLAYING in the Spiritual Realm

Prepared to start shaping your own Destiny

Ready to start creating and sustaining results

Committed to the Mastery of your Metaphysical Art


Happy with things staying the same

Afraid to Master your Mind

Not willing to take some risks

Commited to lack / poverty thinking

Comfortable with making excuses why it won’t work for you

Addicted to the past and afraid of the future

Willing to let the 3D world tell you how life really is


If you know that you’re READY to be (or ALREADY ARE) a Spiritual maverick, a 3D rebel, a status quo rule breaker, and are ready to take your Spiritual and Metaphysical practice to the next level, so it moves from PRACTICE into ART …. then you are a perfect fit for Modern Mystics Membership.




OMG…I love Simone’s work and I am getting a lot from membership! And I just love the community. You’re frickin’ amazing. You keep it real … which is just ONE of the things I love about you! A heart felt THANK YOU!
Jo ~ USA

I joined Membership because I knew there was something much more expansive that could manifest in my life. In my time with Simone I went from always SEEKING that higher Being to BEING the true Sovereign of my life. It was a roller coaster ride through seemingly dark states which were my True Mystic Mastery self coming through. Simone will never teach you anything she herself has not experienced and she does it with Love, Humor and the kindest Heart. 

Donna ~ USA

Travel with Simone Wright and her membership community if you’re ready to own and amplify your true power as a metaphysician. You will get clarity of principles and universal laws that you then practice in your everyday life. Practical and powerful work with a master in a league of her own. I can’t recommend Simon’s work highly enough. Just join!

Runa ~ USA

Founder, True Power Institute

Simone is truly a mystic master coach and guide to accompany you on the journey to know and live life as your own magnificent and powerful Self. The added bonus is that this journey with her comes wrapped up in her wonderfully earthy, quirky, compassionate, and often humorous presence! If you are ready to accelerate along your path, take the leap! 

Sara ~ USA

Simone teachings deepened my intuition, taught me how to use my resistance as leverage and transmuted my fear into distilled focus. Less than one year after joining Modern Mystics, I was able to get clear about what I wanted, why I wanted it and how to use inspiration as momentum to crystallise my dreams. Membership makes mystical alchemy practical and possible in all genres of life.

Lorelei - Canada

I have been walking a Spiritual path for a very long time.  And I admit, I thought I knew all there was to know. But when I discovered Simone and joined Membership, I realized there was a whole new level of understanding and power waiting for me. It feels like I have taken all of my Spiritual tools and finally plugged them in.

Sonja P. ~ U.K.

I became a Member of Modern Mystics at the very beginning – and I’m still in awe of what Simone has created for us. The lessons continue to  enrich my path into Power. But what’s most amazing about being a Member, is, just when you think Simone has blown your mind wide open, she comes into the classroom the next month and does it again and again.

Daniel R. ~ Canada

I was feeling so  frustrated in trying to find an authentic Spiritual teacher who really walked their talk and wasn’t just a trendy New Age guru. When I became a Member I was blown away by how clear Simone is in her teaching AND how she uses it in her own life as an example of what is possible for me. She lights the path , so I can walk it with confidence.

Terese ~ Belgium

I admit, that when I began in Membership, I thought I’d join for a month or two and move on, because I thought I had heard it all. That was over a year ago, and I am still soaking up Simone’s wisdom like a thirsty sponge. I am clearer, more balanced and inspired than ever and I’m applying our work in ways that I could have never imagined.

Alicia ~ USA

Simone is an inspirational teacher with an authentic, no-nonsense, way of presenting esoteric wisdom. Her sharing of effective tools and accessible insights has deepened my own inner understanding. There’s been a tangible shift in my life and the knowledge I have gained will support my growth through this moment and beyond.

Maggie S. ~ USA

Simone’s generous mode of coaching makes clear that we all have the ability to learn, discover and become everything our highest self is capable of.
I have uncovered a knowing and a wisdom within myself that I never thought possible, and continue the journey of expansion and more. More. More. 
Deanne, A. ~ USA

Simone has knocked the fluff off of so many of the current Spiritual ideas for me – and I am using the tools and understandings I have discovered in Membership in ways that might have been impossible without her profound clarity and guidance. My career, my money, my health and my peace of mind are all completely transformed.

Melanie R. - Australia


 Current Masterclass Library – $20,000+

Complete Archive Lesson Library – $15,000+

Complete Initiation Library – $5,000+

Complete Guided Meditation Library  – $1000+

Live Coaching Series – Priceless

Community – Priceless

The TOTAL (3D) Value of everything you receive in Modern Mystics Membership, including the current season Masterclasses, the On-Demand Masterclass Archives, the Live Coaching Calls, the Library Archives, Guided Meditations, Field Work and other bonuses (over 200+ hours of Metaphysical teaching) is well over $40,000. The investment in your Mastery … is a FRACTION of that price.

The interaction with others and the powers of Mastery you will shape … are PRICELESS.

If you know you’re ready, the decision to join us, will be easy. I look forward to seeing you ‘on the inside’.


How does Membership work?

Once a month I add a new lesson to the featured season. That lesson is posted as an audio or webinar lesson. The LIVE coaching calls for NEW members happen on the first TUESDAY of the month at 5 PM PST and for ADVANCED/ Legacy members on the LAST Saturday of the month at 9 AM PST.

New lessons are evergreen and coaching calls are recorded, so you don’t need to worry about missing anything.

How do I know if membership is right for me?

I’ve designed Modern Mystics membership to suit Metaphysicians at every level of practice, from beginner to advanced. Understanding your True nature and putting it to work is based in fundamentals and principles of eternal wisdom. I’ve covered all the bases with lessons, practices, meditations and field work to help you build spiritual muscle in every area of life.

How do I access the content?

You have instant and total access to ALL of the lessons in membership as long as you’re a member. You can dive into the hundreds of hours of archives, take a look around the Metaphysical Cinema or practice with the Guided meditations on your own schedule.

Can I cancel my membership?

Yes. You can cancel at any time. No problem.

But just know that if you leave and decide to return, you’ll have to wait until the next open enrollment – which is only ONCE per year.

What if I can't make the coaching calls?

No worries. I understand … we’re all busy. And some of you are on the other side of the planet so making it for a call here in the US might be a challenge. That’s OK. All the calls are recorded and if you have questions, you can email them to me in advance and I’ll answer them on the call. Easy Peasy.

Enrollment is currently closed.

Please join my email list for updates and new enrollment information.